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Wikipedia:WikiProject Song Contests

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WikiProject Song Contests
Statistics are calculated based on tagging talk pages of song contest-related articles with the {{WikiProject Song Contests|class=|importance=}} template.
To view the full statistics or find out how to assess an article click here.
As of 18 March 2025
The proportion of all articles with an assessed project banner is:

100% (estimate: some more article talk pages may still need a banner)


The proportion of all articles with known importance is:

100% (estimate: some more articles may still need a banner)


Quick links
Shortcuts → WP:ESC, WP:JESC, WP:EYD, WP:EYM, WP:EURO and WP:EUROVISION (main page)
Banner template → {{WikiProject Song Contests}} Pink padlock
Member userbox → {{User WikiProject Song Contests}}
Alternative userbox → {{User:UBX/ESC Fan}}
User invite → {{subst:EurovisionInvite}}
Tab header → Tab header
Events countdown → Events countdown
User inactive → {{subst:EurovisionInactive}}
Skeleton articles
Skeleton draft articles to provide a rough guidance to how the articles should look.
Eurovision Song Contest
Junior Eurovision Song Contest


↓ Song Contests ↓
{{Infobox song contest}} Silver padlock
↓ Song Contest (Country) ↓
{{Infobox song contest country}} Silver padlock
↓ Song Contest (Entries) ↓
{{Infobox song contest entry}} Pink padlock
↓ Song Contest (National year) ↓
{{Infobox song contest national year}} Silver padlock


ESC → {{Eurovision Song Contest}}
JESC → {{Junior Eurovision Song Contest}}
EC → {{Eurovision Choir}}
EYD → {{Eurovision Young Dancers}}
EYM → {{Eurovision Young Musicians}}
ARSF → {{ABU Radio Song Festival}}
ATSF → {{ABU TV Song Festival}}
TSC → {{Turkvision Song Contest}}

Inline templates

ESC → {{Esc}} Pink padlock
ESC year → {{Escyr}} Pink padlock
ESC country → {{Esccnty}} Silver padlock
ABU → {{Abu}}
ABU year → {{Abuyr}}
ABU country → {{Abucnty}}

Stub templates

Eurovision stub → {{Eurovision-stub}} (for ESC only) Silver padlock
Music stub → {{Music-stub}} (for JESC and EYM) Silver padlock
Dance stub → {{Dance-stub}} (for EDC and EYD) Silver padlock

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Project description
WikiProject Song Contests is a project group of assembled Wikipedians who are dedicated to improving Wikipedia's coverage of topics related to national and international song contests and other similar music competitions. We began as WikiProject Eurovision on 13 September 2003 before being renamed on 12 February 2025. The goal of this project is to create high quality articles and to maintain consistency in terms of layout and information. If you feel that you can have a positive contribution to the project, become a member by joining the list of members. If you don't know what to write or where to begin, or if you have doubts or ideas on how to improve an article, please address the project's discussion forum.

Topics covered by this project are:

Objective 1 – Contest by year and contest related pages
Objective 1 involves:
  • Creating a page for each year's contest
  • Improving/maintaining all the contest related pages in the project.
Guidelines on how to make the pages can be found on the sub-page.
Objective 2 – Contestants and songs
Objective 2 involves:
  • Creating a page for each contestant and song involved in the contest.
Guidelines on how to make the pages can be found on the sub-page.
Objective 3 – "Country" in the contest
Objective 3 involves:
  • Creating a page for each participating country in the contest. This will give information about a country's efforts and achievements in the Eurovision Song Contest and other notable international song contests.
Guidelines on how to make the pages can be found on the sub-page.
Objective 4 – "Country" in the contest "year"
Objective 4 involves:
  • Creating a page for each country participating in the contest each year. This will give information about the year in the Eurovision Song Contest and other notable international song contests for that country, like how the song was chosen (selection events), how well it did, any other information about its participation that year.
Guidelines on how to make the pages can be found on the sub-page.
Objective 5 – Sourcing
Objective 5 involves...SOURCING!!
  • On Wikipedia, it is very important not only to have the correct information, but to show where you got it from so it can be verified. Editor's should be finding additional sources to reference information with.
Objective 6 – Maintenance

Objective 6 involves:

  • Checking pages to make sure things are consistent across the board and correcting any errors. A listing of pages marked for some sort of cleanup is available here.
Objective 7 – Assessment

Objective 7 involves:

  • Assessing project pages. The first thing to do to assess an article is to add {{WikiProject Song Contests|class=|importance=}}, the project banner, to the talk page of an article if it does not have one. If an article already has a banner, you should assess the article using the assessment scale. Assessing articles gives us a good idea about the quality of the articles in our project and can help identify short comings.
Article requests
  • Click here to make a request for a song contest-related article to be created.

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